Always with one arm out the window
The last thing I’d ever want to be on someone is a burden. It can be looked at from a number of ways though as to why one could be, especially at a place of employment performing tasks you’re not quite familiar with. And while there’s no structure for training or education, no hands-on guidance, I could point my finger and shrug off some of the blame, but I won’t – that’s just not my style. I’m so used to loading up my own shoulders with extra weight for no reason. It’s my fault for not being more detail oriented. It’s my fault for not studying further. It’s my fault for not putting in extra time.
The thing is though, it’s a job. It’s work. It’s not MY passion, it’s a means to an end, and I think therein lies the root of the problem. I bitch about people day in and day out, “No one cares” I cry – I’m one of them sometimes! 🙁